Green Productivity (GP)
Green Productivity (GP) is a strategy to improve business productivity and environmental performance at the same time in the socio-economic development overall. This method of applying the techniques, technologies and systems of management to produce goods and services in accordance with environmental or environmentally friendly.
The focus of Green Productivity is improved productivity and environmental protection. The main elements of the Green Productivity is a reexamination and evaluation (re-evaluation) of production processes and products to reduce environmental burden and represents the best path toward improved productivity and product quality. GP methodology is a procedure developed by the APO based on the principles of Kaizen and the PDCA cycle (Plan, Do, Check, Act).
The development of the industrial world is currently increasing rapidly in line with the rate of ongoing globalization. These developments require the industry to upgrade and improve performance in order to survive and win the competition with other industries, this can be done by increasing productivity.
These environmental problems to be warm enough issue that is discussed, but often ignored by the company. Therefore, to create harmony with the environment, needed more attention to environmental aspects in every process of production of the company.
The effort that can be done to overcome this problem is by using the concept of Green Productivity, that was popularized by the Asian Productivity Organization (APO). The concept of Green Productivity is a cut or re-products failed processing to preserve the environment, thus increasing productivity. This concept begins by analyzing the input, process and output that is expected to provide substantial benefits to increase productivity
1: Energy, water, waste and use of resources including lighting, heating and cooling, plug loads and server rooms, green purchasing, use of paper, recycling programs, commuting, green tenant programs
2 :Energy, water, waste and use of resources including lighting, heating and cooling, plug loads and server rooms, green purchasing, use of paper, recycling programs, commuting, green tenant programs