About Us

Senitmo Management consulting services is a private organization that provides consultation services and training programmes under productivity, quality, personal development and human resource development and management. After established the company, it vastly grown with customer satisfactions and rapidly increased our client base over past successful period. Companies, organizations, authorities and individuals who received our services, training and consultation, presently succeed their ultimate career and commercial development is to eyewitness for our own success.


068127-3d-transparent-glass-icon-alphanumeric-quote-open2Our Visionimages

To empower human capital for an organization excellence”


068127-3d-transparent-glass-icon-alphanumeric-quote-open2Our Missionimages

We delivered company-specific training, Career development programme and Customized consulting solution to enrich learning and optimized Individual, Group and Organizational performance.


Our Values

mdpara mdpara mdpara

Managing Director

mdparaLasantha Kariyapperuma is a skilful and talented trainer / lecturer in subject of productivity and also qualified consultant of Management. Besides he is a product of University of Sri Jayawardhanapura and University of Kelaniya in where earned his special bachelor degree in Business Management (Uni of J’pura -SL) and Masters in economics (Uni of Kelaniya-SL). Also holding a diploma in productivity awarded from National Institute of Labour Studies (NILS).

He has been visited Japan, Taiwan, Mongolia, Bangladesh in order to participate varieties of training programmes organized by the Asian Productivity Organization. By participating these international recognized training sessions and programmes, he gained valuable practical and theoretical knowledge in concept of productivity.



International Workshop, Study Mission and Factory Visits